A county website contains information appropriate for that county. This information includes levy
rates, assessor information, and parcel information.

The County Home page is used to navigate throughout the county's website. There are eight County
Home page menu items.
Like the OkAssessor.com home page menu, clicking on one of these main menu items will replace the sub-menu on the left side of the screen with its own sub-menu. It will also replace the center part of the screen with the appropriate content.
Like the OkAssessor.com home page menu, clicking on one of these main menu items will replace the sub-menu on the left side of the screen with its own sub-menu. It will also replace the center part of the screen with the appropriate content.

The Home page is the welcome page that opens up in your browser when you access a county site.

By clicking the Appraisals button you will be able to access the Appraisal Assistant. This is an online
program that allows a user to search for subject and comparable properties. It has the ability to save
and compare up to 7 parcels (1 subject and 6 comparables). It has the capability of showing detailed
parcel info, building sketches, and for some counties, photos, and e-plats. A more detailed description
can be found in Chapter 4.

The Tax Forms page has several downloadable tax forms. The tax forms included on this page are:
All forms are in PDF format and requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view this information.
- Agriculture Exemption Permit
- Ad Valorem Tax Exemption for Oklahoma Mfg or Research & Development Facilities
- Business Personal Property Rendition
- Freeport Exemption Declaration
- Application for Homestead Exemption
- Application for Manufactured Home Personal Property Exemption
- Property Valuation Freeze and Additional Homestead Exemption
All forms are in PDF format and requires the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view this information.

The Levy Rates page lists the School District Levy Rate. The Levy Rates section is divided into two pages.

Levy Rates
The Levy Rates page lists all the school districts and their appropriate levy rates. Some counties also list a breakdown of the levy rates, to explain the tax distribution.
Tax Calculator
The Tax Calculator page is a small JavaScript program that can calculate the property tax on a parcel. It will figure the tax by considering the assessed value of the property, which school district it is in, and any homestead exemptions.
The Levy Rates page lists all the school districts and their appropriate levy rates. Some counties also list a breakdown of the levy rates, to explain the tax distribution.
Tax Calculator
The Tax Calculator page is a small JavaScript program that can calculate the property tax on a parcel. It will figure the tax by considering the assessed value of the property, which school district it is in, and any homestead exemptions.

The subscriber page is where a subscriber can log into the site. It is very similar to the Subscriber
page discussed in Chapter 1.

The Assessment page describes the many aspects of the Assessor's property appraisal process.
This section is divided into five pages.

Mapping Overview
The Mapping Overview describes how the mapping process works. Legal descriptions, parcel sizes, and other parcel identification procedures are explained.
Residential & Commercial Property
This page looks at why residential and commercial properties are appraised by the assessor's office and what the taxpayer's role in this process.
Tax Exempt Entities
This page describes what types of parcels can be considered Tax Exempt and how Tax Exempt organizations can apply for Tax Exempt.
Homestead Exemptions
This page explains what Homestead Exemption is, who can qualify for this exemption, and how to apply for it.
Manufactured Housing
This page explains how manufactured houses are taxed in Oklahoma.
The Mapping Overview describes how the mapping process works. Legal descriptions, parcel sizes, and other parcel identification procedures are explained.
Residential & Commercial Property
This page looks at why residential and commercial properties are appraised by the assessor's office and what the taxpayer's role in this process.
Tax Exempt Entities
This page describes what types of parcels can be considered Tax Exempt and how Tax Exempt organizations can apply for Tax Exempt.
Homestead Exemptions
This page explains what Homestead Exemption is, who can qualify for this exemption, and how to apply for it.
Manufactured Housing
This page explains how manufactured houses are taxed in Oklahoma.

The Office Information page contains county contact info. This section is divided into three pages.
This page contains the names of the County Assessor, their assistants, and other county officials. It also lists their office hours, addresses, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail addresses (if any).
This page contains the important dates in regard to Oklahoma Statutes Title 68 and each section.
This page contains any announcements from the County Assessor's office.
This page contains the names of the County Assessor, their assistants, and other county officials. It also lists their office hours, addresses, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail addresses (if any).
This page contains the important dates in regard to Oklahoma Statutes Title 68 and each section.
This page contains any announcements from the County Assessor's office.

The Maps & Data page is a list of online services available with a subscription to the OkAssessor.com
website. This section is divided into either two or three pages depending upon available county
information. (E-Plats available online)

This page lists the sub-divisions in the county. It lists the code numbers and the sub-divisions name.
Purchase Data
This page contains the contact information to purchase county data.
This page is an electronic form of a county's plat book (pdf). This feature is available for many counties. An E-Plat provides the following:
This page lists the sub-divisions in the county. It lists the code numbers and the sub-divisions name.
Purchase Data
This page contains the contact information to purchase county data.
This page is an electronic form of a county's plat book (pdf). This feature is available for many counties. An E-Plat provides the following:
- Ownership information and acreage of tracts of land 10 acres or larger, conveniently broken down by township
- Get a visual representation of size & shape of property along with surrounding landowner's information
- See bodies of water and highways running along or through properties